Growing a Vision
Currently in project development phase, a planned community garden in central Conwy aims to offer a meeting space and growing opportunities for residents, volunteers, local education, health services and enterprise. Managed by volunteers, ideally it will comprise an accessible vegetable garden, children's space, canopy shelter, greenhouse, tool shed and fire circle. This contained space could lead to the broader areas of a wildflower meadow, pond area, timber coppice, orchard and nut-tree grove. By designing the site ecologically using trees and perennial (lasting) plants in the style of a 'forest garden', we could ensure this continues for generations to come.
The Idea
Offer a contained and resourced outdoor meeting space in Conwy town
Facilitate the cultivation of vegetables, fruits, nuts and flowers via allotment beds and an orchard
Host a wildflower meadow, pond, and a willow/hazel coppice for generating useful timber
Improve social inclusion and empowerment, food security and food skills for residents
Create a space for local schools, colleges and other groups to join in nature and sustainability activities, and deliver qualifications in land-based skills
Create a space for the NHS and mental health charities to deliver social prescribing and other therapeutic activities
Develop resources for local enterprises to grow and harvest produce, and run activities and courses in a rich natural environment
To discover more about the potential benefits for individuals and communities, and projects elsewhere that we have been inspired by, please see the Our Inspiration page.
The Process
An initial steering group was set up in 2021 to deliberate on how to secure the desired site, plan the layout and ensure all regulations and permissions are adhered to. In 2022, the resulting draft proposal was floated to Conwy County Borough Council. All of this is being guided by a survey (below) that ensures we are acting as a voice for the local community.
A more in-depth look at the proposed site and initial survey results can be found by clicking here.
The project is supported in principle by:
Ysgol Aberconwy, Ysgol Porth Y Felin, Adfeiriad Recovery, STAND Wales, Incredible Edible Conwy, Butterflies Nursery, Janet Finch Saunders AM, North Wales Wildlife Trust, Woodland Trust, John Muir Trust, RSPB Conwy, Wales in Bloom, and two mental-health research psychologists.
Various potential stakeholders are being contacted to gauge their interest and support. If successful, funding will be sought from a variety of sources and the group is seeking to become a charitable incorporated organisation (CIO) to manage the project efficiently and transparently.
The Site
Many sites have been considered by the steering group, including suggestions from our wider public engagement survey. We have weighed up their advantages and drawbacks and learned from the lessons of other projects we have participated in and consulted (see Our Inspiration page). Following this, our site of interest, totaling almost 2 hectares, is one with the greatest advantages and fewest drawbacks.
For example, many high-population areas within the wider Conwy town area are all within close walking distance, with Deganwy, Llandudno Junction & Penmaenmawr also all in easy cycling distance. The proposed site is also on a main bus route. Parking is also available and vehicle access to field straightforward.
Ecologically, the site is excellent for supporting healthy plant growth, with fertile 'starter soil' receiving a good amount of sunlight and having sheltered edges. Water runoff collects centrally and offers opportunity for ecological water management, increasing water self-sufficiency and inhibiting the flooding from runoff. Biodiversity improvement activities are mutually supportive of existing habitats such as woodland, estuary, dunes and mountains.
More information will be disclosed in due course once the site is secured, but for an initial look click here.
Who's Involved?
The project is currently being led by a small steering group, comprising members of the local community with a diverse range of experience including education, natural sciences and mental health. All of our group are active within the community in numerous existing groups, from gardening to litter picking and starting a repair cafe.
Although we are limited in number for now, we welcome the involvement of anyone in our community in other ways. Any business, charity, civic group or institution wishing to discuss how they may get involved and help develop and publicise the project is invited to inquire via the contact form below. They may also show their support for the project via a formal letter, which will strengthen the final proposal to Conwy County Borough Council. Individuals can also help us develop the project by completing our short survey (below).